Sun/Shade Grass Seed
One of the best things you can do for your lawn is to over-seed it every year. Over-seeding is ideal in late-summer/early-fall, but can also be done in spring, and can be applied with a basic push or hand spreader.
Putting down grass seed just as grass enters its growing season in Michigan (spring and fall) helps make your turf thicker, and closes in those gaps that weed seeds will germinate in. When you have less gaps, you'll have less weeds.
What makes Good Sweet Earth's Sun/Shade Mix of grass seed so great is that you don't need to figure out what type of seed will thrive in different parts of your yard. The sun variety of seed will germinate and thrive in the sunnier parts of your yard, the shade variety of seed will germinate and thrive in the shadier parts, and both types will fill in the areas where it's both sunny and shady at different parts of the day.
Good Sweet Earth's Sun/Shade Mix establishes quickly when applied correctly (evenly, with a spreader at a rate of 2.5# per 1,000 square feet of turf), at the right time of the year (April/May & late August/September), and when watered properly.
Our sun/shade mix is a combination of Kentucky bluegrass, tall fescues and perennial rygrasses.